Saturday, March 5, 2011

Needles and Pins-uh

Getting back in touch with the early sixties vibe and trying to remember the songs I listened to when I was into that. Could NOT for the life of me remember the name of the above song by The Searchers. I could only remember the "pins-uh." They put the "uh" sound on the end of pins. And that's it. Luckily, I was listening to my beautiful, sparkling, lovely XM satellite radio on the way home and the channel "60's on 6" played it! Yes! "Last night, I saw her face, it was the face I loved, and I knew I had to run away....and get down on my knees and pray...that they'd go away...that's how it begins-uh. Needles and pins-uh." YES! Oh. And the reason I'm trying to get in touch with early sixties is to put together the best house music ever for my show.

This is why I like having a blog because NO WAY would any of my friends or colleagues have sat still for that story. Yay bloggy blog blog.

And then one great song after another, including one by the Serendipity Singers (anyone? anyone?) that is PERFECT for the show. Yes. And then "I Only Want to Be With You" by Dusty Springfield. Was anyone better at singing that shit than Dusty?? Nope. And my favorite girl group, the Shangri-las. I plan to play the only cheerful song (okay, not the ONLY one, but one of the very few) "Give Him a Great Big Kiss." I love the Shangri-las. All the other girl groups were singing about their loves in a bubble gum way, but to the Shangri-las, love was from a dark and dangerous place, across the railroad tracks and under a dim streetlight. It usually ended in death. I find that appealing. Probably because I am weird. Or "emo." Hehehehe. But I love the dialogue in their songs. Of course it's contrived, but it's effective and sincere. And so melodramatic. One song, "Past, Present, and Future" is entirely spoken with a creepy piano playing in the background, and it alludes to rape, something that certainly wasn't talked about much in the popular songs of the time. The Shangri-las were way ahead of their time. Or maybe it was Shadow Morton that was way ahead of his time.

I also like my blog because I can write in all caps as much as I want. YES. I like my blog because I can go ON and ON about the Shangri-las.

I'm glad I have my blog because according to the "Mailbag" column in People, only women who have husbands and children are important, significant, or contribute in any way to society. This was a response to Jennifer Aniston's assertion that she is happy. So in my blog I can say, "WTF, Adriane from Pheonix???"

Yes. I read People magazine. Since I was a teen-ager. Don't judge.

'Cause that's how it begins-uh.